Learn How to Top Rope

Gear + Anchors + Technique

Purchase the Top Rope Climbing Instructional Video

Top Rope Climbing

(Digital Download)

This i35 minute video gives basic instruction on Top Rope Climbing. Learn the basics in gear, anchors, belaying, climbing techniques, and more.
You will be able to download the video immediately after purchase. The file is 4.8 GB in HD quality.

Check out these great places to rock climb.

Use the menu on the left by clicking the slide icon. You can select any of the locations to get info and directions.

We recommend the rock climbing workshops put on by Cummins Falls State Park and Roan Mountain State Park in Tennessee. Click the button to check them out.

Top Rope Climbing  Team

Ray Cutcher

Ray Cutcher

TRC Instructor

Years Climbing – 105

Favorite Climbs
Devils Tower, WO
The Mummy, NC

Marlin Calvert

Marlin Calvert

TRC Instructor | Light Boy

Years Climbing – 85

Favorite Climbs
Jim Dandy, NC
The Mummy, NC

Anthony Ladd

Anthony Ladd

TRC Instructor | Videographer

Years Climbing – 18

Favorite Climbs
Devils Tower, WO
The Batman, CO
Top Notch, CO


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